Sunday, February 2, 2014


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Day 27- Three Day Countdown to Closing Ceremony

How can you do this?  The answer is, one day at a time, one minute at a time, one breath at a time.  Lahiri Mahasaya, a great Indian Yogi, claimed that there was a short cut to reincarnation.  Any person wishing to reach self realization could do so within one lifetime.  The Yogi explained that each inhalation (prana) is like breathing in a new life, and each exhalation (aprana) a cessation of life; a death.  Human beings can live and die thousands of times in one lifetime.  And if you want to change your life, you can, from one moment to the next.    

We can reinvent ourselves at any given point along life’s path.  We can choose to bring forth into each life; (or breathe) all the painful memories from the past or, release (exhale) all of the pain, anger, stress, or dis-ease.  Conversely, we can choose to bring forth light, happiness, peace and joy instead.  The choice is ours.
There’s a great Nova video circulating on You Tube on the “Human Genome Project.”  This project set out to determine how the body was put together.  The hope was to discover the cause and cure for every disease known to man.  Interestingly, what they discovered was the “Ghost in our Genes.”  

When scientists broke down the sequencing of human DNA, (they suspected it would contain about 100,000 genes), they discovered it contained fewer genes than suspected.  As the mapping of our genes continued, they found humans had the same number of genes as fish and mice.  More interesting was that human’s had fewer genes than plants!
Which brought forth the question: If the human species has fewer genes than others, what is it that differentiates us from other species?   

Scientists within the project discovered that proteins can actually tighten or loosen around certain genes, “tagging” them or “dimming” them; turning them “on” or “off” to the internal scanning mechanisms of the cell.  Additionally, they discovered that these “tags” or “dimmers” could be passed down generationally. They discovered that cells aren’t distinguished by their genes, but by “Ghost in Our Genes”; the thing that shuts them on or off.  This is what they named “epigenetic” (which literally translates to mean “above” the gene.)       
As cells divide, the memory of what a cell is (whether it’s a liver cell or a heart cell) is carried by these switches that turn the genes on or off.  However, occasionally, some epigenetic switches can be changed.   For example, genes destined to become diseased can be affected in the womb or after birth through environmental influences and in turn, change how the switches behave.   

The point is that, even though we may be coded for predisposition to certain diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or addiction, the coding of our genes can be rearrange by our internal and external environment.  We can eliminate the toxins from our bodies, emotions and the planet to literally, break the chains that bind us.

We have a responsibility to our legacy to choose wisely regarding our lifestyle.  Our choices today will affect our children and our grandchildren.  We are the guardians of our genome.  It’s selfish to think that we can be reckless with our wellbeing and the wellbeing of our planet today, and not have it affect future generations.  If we can develop healthy lifestyle choices, we can transform the “code of life”, and transform the future of our world.  And we can do it right now.  Just breathe in, and breathe out.  



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